Trailer Production Started

With three weeks left until Siggraph, we have started production on the Tube trailer to have it finished by the time of the conference. We have around 4 shots completely planned and Jarred and I are now working on one of the detailed sets together. Since our work will be counting on what the other […]

With three weeks left until Siggraph, we have started production on the Tube trailer to have it finished by the time of the conference. We have around 4 shots completely planned and Jarred and I are now working on one of the detailed sets together.

Since our work will be counting on what the other person is doing, Bassam is working right now on a Verse enabled Blender build for OSX. To my understanding, this Verse enabled build will help us work together by essentially seeing the work of the other person appear live in the file that you are currently working on (that description doesn’t sound like it made sense, perhaps someone can post a better description in the comments). This allows us to work on the exact same file in different parts. So naturally we need to work on communication to avoid modeling conflicts.

Time to get to work!


We just got verse to work in blender. The limitations seem to be that you can only share mesh data. Blender has crashed on us a few times now when adding modifiers and then pressing tab to go to object mode. So now we’re only testing to see if Verse can speed up our process and help us collaborate on this project more easily. We’ll see how it goes. So far it is really creepy but neat to see meshes in your scene move around live while working on something different.

Benches and more!

Here are some of the simple props we’ve been working on. There is a reason we have so many different styles of benches. One reason is that train stations that evolve over time accumulate many different styles of furniture and decorations. Hence we have four different bench styles so far and some other different style […]

Here are some of the simple props we’ve been working on. There is a reason we have so many different styles of benches. One reason is that train stations that evolve over time accumulate many different styles of furniture and decorations. Hence we have four different bench styles so far and some other different style props. They have no materials yet, only some stand in colors.

[nggallery id=8]

First Impression

Greetings everyone! I’m a new intern working on “Tube,” and just wanted to share some of my experiences so far. I’ve been on the job for two days now, and it has been very exciting working with everyone. Bassam pitched the story and all the current work to me on Monday, and I just have […]

Greetings everyone! I’m a new intern working on “Tube,” and just wanted to share some of my experiences so far. I’ve been on the job for two days now, and it has been very exciting working with everyone. Bassam pitched the story and all the current work to me on Monday, and I just have to say that I cannot wait to see the final product. I am amazed by the level of attention given to detail and the quality of work that has gone into this project so far, and am so excited to be a part of the process. The final product will be spectacular.

Anyway, this is just a brief hello to the blog, as it is our duty as interns to post about our experience and current projects we are working on. Since I am so new to the team, I am still getting my feet wet, but I cannot wait to share some screen shots of the props we are working on. Expect a post from my colleague Jarred soon. He has some cool things he’s been working on for a couple of weeks now, and I’ll be bugging him to post some images.

©URCHIN 2015