Wires For Empathy
Status: In Production
Website: https://wiresforempathy.org
Tube is Urchin’s current work in production. Whereas Elephants Dream proved it possible to make professional 3D animated films in libre software within a studio setting, the Tube project is a new experiment in distributed collaboration. From an undisclosed base in New England, it unites a team of local and international artists using cutting-edge tools for independent filmmaking based in – what else – the hypertubes..

What can blockchain do for you?
Client: Cambridge Blockchain
Release: 2015
Website: http://cambridge-blockchain.com/
We were approached by Cambridge Blockchain – a technology startup with a focus on the technology behind Bitcoin – to make a promotional video for Money 20/20. There were some unique and fun challenges, not to mention a tight deadline, and the video was finished on time in part due to Cycles GPU rendering, and in part to Blender’s unique ‘pipeline in a box’ organization.

User Lib
Client: the Free Software Foundation
Release: 2014
Website: http://www.fsf.org/
We were extremely happy to make a video for the Free Software Foundation on their 30th anniversary, explaining what the foundation does, and why it is important (and to whom). We also made a making off with loads of details, goodies and tips. You can even download the production files!

TedED Animations
Client: TedED
Release: 2016 - Present
Website: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKajhJq9N0pcHbgQXYBK6honi5hDYsSgg
We’re doing multiple short animations for TedED on educational topics. They are directed by Chris Bishop and Bassam Kurdali, on a variety of topics. To see the full list, click on the website link above.

Steers of Teal
Release: 2012
This was a fun project remixing the titles of Tears of Steel , an open movie project by the Blender Foundation. Basically it is a pun taken far too far. An open movie itself, you can download the production files here.

Cinanima Libre Session Intro
Client: Cinanima Festival Libre Panorama Session
Release: 2012
Cineanima is the oldest Animation Festival in Portugal. In 2012 we designed the Intro animation to their Libre Panorama session showcasing Free culture animation around the world

Nabsys NPS
Client: Nabsys
Release: 2011
Nabsys a life sciences company with positional sequencing technology, we made this short video about their NPS device.

Elephants Dream
Team: Blender Foundation
Release: 2006
Website: http://elephantsdream.org
The Open Movie that started it all! Produced by the Blender Foundation and Montevideo in Amsterdam, 2005-2006, This is a film about communication and fiction, and the struggle to communicate.

Team: Orchid Animation
Release: 2012
Website: http://www.orchidanimation.com/#/caldera/
Caldera is a haunting short film about a young girl with mental illness caught between an unfeeling mechanized world and the impossible landscapes of her own psychosis. Made by Evan Viera, Chris Bishop and others.

Cyvek Cyplex
Team: Urchin
Client: Cyvek
Status: 2010
Short animation commissioned by Cyvek to explain their prototype Protein Assay system

Suzanne Award Interstitials
Team: Urchin
Client: Blender Institute
Release: 2009
This was a fun project making an intro and interstitials to an animation festival – the 2009 Suzanne awards. Most of the work was done the week before the conference, with the final touches made on the plane and at the Blender Institute. Was a blast working with Jan, Pablo, Kursad and everyone else.

Pitivi Fundraiser
Team: Urchin, Pitivi
Client: Pitivi Video Editor
Release: 2013
Website: http://pitivi.org/
A little bit different, this was a fundraiser video for the Pitivi project – a Free and Open Source video editor. As such, we made it using the editor itself in a bit of meta-production. Pitivi is great you should check it out if you are using Linux!

Flodesign Turbine
Team: Urchin
Client: Flodesign Wind
One of several videos we made for Flodesign Wind, now Ogin

Flodesign Sonics
Team: Urchin
Client: Flodesign Sonics
Flodesign Sonics has an interesting technique for water purification involving acoustic standing waves that could eliminate the need for filter replacement.
- Affiliated Organizations:
- Blender
- Bitfilms
- Hampshire College