Just a small utility I’ve been using to make my life easier, a little addon that lets you assign names to layers in an armature and hide/unhide them in the 3D View Properties area. Download it here, unpack then install via the add-ons area in user preferences. Works on current SVN (and the soon-to-come beta hopefully)

There’s also a ‘hidden’ operator you can use in the 3d view (search for change bone name layer) that allows you to switch selected bones to a named layer.  It’s a bit rough, but the panel at least beats having to hunt and peck one of those 32 nondescript little buttons 🙂

This isn’t really part of the gilgamesh rig, just a utility I’ve been using while rigging. The final UI (you can see a peak of it just under the layers in the screenie) has hardcoded layer names, and only those that are relevant to animation.

  1. Yunow :

    Can’t download, “Page not found”.

    Grate work. The same for Scene layer will be grate. When you post the script i’ll try to do it.

  2. wowww blender is much better with this scripts!!

  3. Thanks Pablo!
    Yunow, I double checked/reenentered the url, it should work now, give it a shot!
    would like to see what you come up with 🙂

  4. I’m using it also, it’s really handy, thanks for charring!

  5. Blenderificus :

    a VERY useful script, thank you for sharing! 🙂

    (the mushroom script is a powerful one too, thanks)
    Have any of the bugs that prevented you from fully implementing your ideas been fixed/remedied in recent builds/commits?

  6. very nice utility. Thanks a lot.

    I have a problem with custom property as Driver, can you please help.

    this is the link where i have the screen shot and detail.

  7. Hi Ashwin, use the Object, then the armature object, instead of the armature data, and it will work
    So set your filter to Objects instead of Armatures
    then select your Armature Object name (not object data)
    then paste your property path.
    reason is, the property belongs to the pose, not the data:
    object -> pose -> posebone -> custom property
    as opposed to :
    Armature -> data -> bone -> doesn’t have that property

  8. Blenderificus:
    Sure there have been plenty of bugfixes, very few bugs ‘blocked’ us from working, but some did – sequencer ones, and currently this bug: https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=24574&group_id=9&atid=498
    is a problem for our flocking scripts (that Josh is writing)
    If that gets fixed soon, it will be an example )

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