Since my last post I’ve decided/discovered I’ll be giving more classes soon:
I’m holding a two intro to Blender training session in ASH (Adele Simmons Hall, Hampshire College) 126 on Tuesday and Thursday ( Oct 4th and 6th) 5ish to 7ish. plans are for a small group (there’s a projector and computers, but also students working on projects at the same time). If you’re in the area and wish to attend, please let me know via email or comments so I can gauge space requirements.
We can also do a sneak, spoilery peek at Tube afterwards.
But if you’re not around, don’t despair! I’ll be giving an animation masterclass (fancy!) at the Blender conference in Amsterdam. It’ll cover production workflow tips from Tube and other projects, both riggingish and animationish. No spoilers, but I’ll probably be using Tube production rigs.
Holy crap! I JUST missed this. Gah.
Oh darn. Sorry Tati… would have been good (class was geared towards/taught to mayaheads.. mayans? mayayas? people who maya?) anyway, ’twas good.
Maybe again? lets talk to Perry, now that I’ve done it once I have a good 4 hour recipe for blendutainment.