While Bassam’s been away we’ve been playing with concepts for one of the sequences in the movie. It’s been quite entertaining. Hmmm. The idea is to flesh it all out for storyboarding so we might move quicker into production. It’ll be a nice challenge.

Have we mentioned there’s Pun club on Thursdays at noon? We’ve also been doing improv acting on Wednesday nights.


Pablo did the nice colourful ones.

  1. Chris Perry :

    “The idea is to flesh it all out…”

    looks like pun club hit a day early

  2. theriddle :

    It’s really amazing!!!Great work!

  3. ChicOrtiz :
  4. Aldo Nogueira :

    The coloured ones are incredibly similar to Cannibal Corpse’s early album covers. Gore with watercolor. 🙂

  5. Ortiz – thanks! We enjoyed that.

  6. […] projecto Tube continua a avançar e há novidades que aumentam as expectativas. Vejam aqui e aqui algumas das imagens (concept art) produzidas. Aparentemente, vai ser “gore” e […]

©URCHIN 2015