The Connecticut Film Festival is taking place in Danbury Connecticut on June 2-7. I’ll be in the Interactive Festival (part of the CTFF) making a small workshop focused on movie production using Free and Open Source software”Making 3-D Movies Using Free Software”, on June 5th at 5:40pm, and doing a panel “The ABC’s of CGI” the following day at 4:00pm. Another of our team, Jason Van Gumster (author of Blender for Dummies) is going to be on the panel as well, and is going to give a talk at 4:00pm on June 5th entitled “Completely Free Animation using Blender”.
If you’re in the area, come check it out! I’m sure there will be room for beer (or soda) and pretzels after.
[…] to to talk about tube (my short movie in production) and !blender. […]
Sounds nifty, although those of us north of the border won’t be able to come down — will there be vids or notes from any of the talks?
hi kattkieru
sorry, it’s been a crazy week, both at the festival and back here. No live recording / vids, but I can give some of the blender-ry highlights:
blenderheads present: myself and Jason
Jason gave a talk about Blender, history of developement, and an introducion to the blender UI. Blender for Dummies (he is the author) was prominent at the event.
I gave a talk about projects that used blender and other free software, focusing mainly on projects that I worked on and had an intimate knowledge of. The idea was to both show the possibility and give some stories about the projects. It was more of a fun talk with lots of video than a demo.
We also sat in on a CGI panel mainly focusing on teaching CG. Blender and FOSS were not the focus of the talk, but they did come up 🙂
We were at the ‘interactive’ portion of the festival. This is the first year they did it, and I’d say attendance was low, with some workshops only having one audience member. I’d say the Blender related workshops had about 8 attendies on average, which was pretty good (and they were a quite fun engaging bunch).