And me!
Connecticut Film Festival has a strong FLOSS representation since last year- they have multiple presentations on using Free Software to produce films, games or other interactive media. Last year I presented Blender workshops along with Jason Van Gumster, this year I’m going again. If you’re close to Danbury CT, come by.

Elephants Dream, 05.05.10 – 3:15 pm,05.09.10 – 2:00 pm

Big Buck Bunny 05.05.10 – 3:15 pm,05.09.10 – 2:00 pm

My workshop about making Tube with Free Software 05.06.10 – 1:00 pm

Other Free/Open Source related presentations about video production, audio, rosegarden,copyleft, open office, free software design and much more.

©URCHIN 2015