Just yesterday we launched Tube’s first major campaign, with the goal of raising at least $22K as a bare-bones budget for this production phase. After only one day, backing has surpassed our expectations — already we are halfway to the target! And with further funding we can work faster, make greater claims on the time of our amazing crew, hire additional artists, and finish Tube in 7 months with even more impressive results. Big love to everyone who contributed, in whatever form — THANK YOU! If you can, please spread the word and help us turn this campaign into an inspiring precedent.

Check it out at Kickstarter!

WebM version coming soon.

  1. You should add a link to the kickstarted page : http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1331941187/the-tube-open-movie

  2. great idea! added. 🙂

  3. I’m hoping you the best for this project, Bassam. I’ve been following this project for quite some time now and it’s very fulfilling to know that you’re already on a campaign state in Kickstarter. The best of luck!

    And if there’s any Blender help I could spare on my free time, I’d be very glad to help out.

    Cheers and more power!

    P.S. Will link this to my blog as well, if you don’t mind (well I just did). 🙂


  4. Reyn, thanks a lot! and of course the link is mega-appreciated 😀
    As for what you can do, well, if you want to join in the team, would be fantastic! there’s lots to do still 🙂

©URCHIN 2015